The Journey Home - Balance and Harmony

You’ve probably heard those two words many times. They sound like common-sense words; but let’s face it, who has time in this busy world to try and work out what they mean? Yes, balance and harmony sounds wonderful, but maybe you’re thinking it might take too much time out of your day, to even give it a try.

But what if these two words could end up being something you just can’t do without. They could become your support system through all that self-doubt and uncertainty you’re left with when things just don’t go the way you wanted.

They could help you stay calm when everything around you is in chaos. Instead of seeing the negative in a situation, you might even see the funny side of it. You may even begin to feel that passion and enthusiasm again for the things you once loved to do. Balance and Harmony could even become your new best buddies.

If you’re reading this from a negative and stressed self, you could probably think this all sounds a bit far-fetched. But that’s what happens when the negative side of someone hears about a solution, it can become too much to think about, and for that reason I need to get to the point, quickly.

How can you get Balance and Harmony to work for you in your life? Easy … first of all, you need to understand how it all works… Balance and Harmony ‘happens’ when you are physically, emotionally and mentally in alignment.

It all begins with your thought. What you think is so important Your thought affects your emotions, with your emotions then affecting your physical body. When you get your thinking in the right place, then the energy within your emotions is lessened, leading to a healthier physical body.

Now, that makes sense, doesn’t it? So getting your thinking in the right place is where you should start. All that memory getting in the way of being the person you really want to be. You need to let go of that past, it really isn’t that good for you. It’s the future you should be looking towards. What about a new future? A different future than the one you’re heading towards.

To have a different future, then you have to be different. You need to change how you think, so you don’t have a future that’s the same as your past. You need to feel good about yourself, and your physical body will thank you!

In my mind travel ‘creating the Future you want’ program I have designed a simple exercise that helps achieve Balance and Harmony.

A sample of this exercise is available on my ‘Creating the Future you want‘ program. So take time out and get some Balance and Harmony into your life. Try it and see. You’ll be so glad you did.


Blog written by Diane Swaffield. Read with love by Jason, in dedication and inspired memory of Diane.