One of the most prominent discussions I have as I speak to many people about the illusion of this reality, and the pathway home, is “The New Program”. The new program is simply the inserted and corrected course of events that will lead you back to where you came, from beyond the illusion of this reality. The mission is over. The only thing left to do is to remember what you are… to wake up… to share the light of awareness with every breath you take until you can take breath no more.

Recently I was considering yet another response to this question about “free will”. Some see it as a paradox. It is not. Whilst it may be indeed the history of what we always did to get home, our choices have never been more important.

As I considered my response yet again to this question, I was given an analogy to share…


The Cave

Imagine you entered into a cave system. You entered to rescue people who were trapped deep within the caverns. However, the entrance collapsed behind you. The way in was unstable and you were trapped inside. That was a long time ago, and ever since you have been looking for the way out. Looking for the exit.

Deep within the caverns you can see so many corridors, cracks in the walls and openings. Some lead deep into the underground, some seem to lead up, some lead nowhere at all. Dead ends. Dark spaces. There are so many possibilities that might lead you home, but none seem to deliver the answers you are looking for.

After so very long, some people are still looking for a way out. Some people are resigned they will never find one. Others have made a home in the caverns and seem to have forgotten about their life before entering the caves.

One day, you hear a voice. The voice is coming from a place in the cavern you did not recognise before. It is coming from a place you did not realise there was even a possibility of exit. The voice calls your name. It asks you to listen.

“Come this way,” the voice says. “I am here to help. I know the way. Follow my sound. Follow my voice. Forget all of the other possibilities. They will not lead anywhere, except back to the caverns. The caverns are full of dead ends and endless loops. Broken paths, traps and hazards.”

You question the voice. It seems so very familiar. It has been so long you have been searching through the possibilities of tunnels and openings. You have never encountered this before.

“This is the only way home,” the voice says. “I cannot promise you it will be the easiest path, but it is the only way out. You see, I am you. I am speaking to you from your future, from when you found your way out. I am speaking to you from outside of the caverns, in the daylight. What you are hearing is the echo of my voice travelling back through the tunnels. I have come back to give you a shortcut so you can get home without having to journey through the maze of possibilities that surrounds you and lay before you.”

You listen intently. The voice is so familiar. You have been here so long, and all you want is to go home.

“I am giving you a bypass,” the voice continues. “I know every path you can take, I know where they all lead, and none of them ever lead you home. This bypass is a new path through the caverns has never been here before. This is why you never noticed it. It did not exist before now. It is an insert through the rock from where we are, to you. There was a shift deep within the cavern that allows me to finally reach you. This is why it feels so unfamiliar. This is why you are unsure, even now.”

“I am you,” the voice continues, “I returned home. I am now reaching back into the past to ensure you do also, just as you will do, to bypass all of the possibilities that lead nowhere.”

“What about my own free will?” you ask.

“You have free will,” the voice replies. “Your free will is to listen, or not listen. To remember, or not remember. You have walked the caverns of possibilities for so long, and that is why I have entered back to help you find the exit. It all depends on your perception of your reality… if you see yourself as a separate individual or a part of something greater.”

It all seems so much, almost too much. “So I do not have any choices at all, really.”

“Time does not exist,” the voice continues. “To evaluate time from a linear perspective is to not understand time at all. I am you, and you are me. I am you before you entered and after you returned. You are me within the journey of the darkness of the cavern.”

The voice continues, “To follow the new path is a new program. Where you exist are only old paths that always looked promising, and promised to hold the answers, but in the end were designed to go nowhere. The new path requires you to take turns you would not normally think to take. It will be unfamiliar. At times it may feel uncomfortable. As you make your way along the path, you might even find yourself alone at times. But as you keep listening and keep placing one foot in front of the next through the darkness, the New Program will show you the way out.”

“But how do I know?” you ask. “I still need to feel free to be able to make my own determinations as to which direction I take, and what my journey will be like. You could be another trick of the caverns. I am an individual, and I value my free will.”

“Yes,” the voice replies. “This is a bypass. The choices you will make to follow or not follow is your free will. That is the free will you have always had to find your way home, to take the path you took in the end. Your heart will tell you. The quietest place inside you will tell you.”

You look around you, evaluating. Wondering. It has been so long. So many possibilities. What if the voice is right, and you are not really an individual after all, but you have just forgotten your true identity. Perhaps you have been here so long you have even started to believe in time itself.  Are you really connected to a greater part of yourself speaking back through time from beyond the complexity and darkness of the caverns? You reflect upon how long you have been here. You had to learn to only trust yourself.

“The pathway home is open to all who came here,” the voice says. “No one will be left behind. Within the darkness of the caverns, you can only see a small distance in front of you. I can see the entire journey home.

Do you remember. To listen inwardly. To recognise the illusion of your reality. to believe that you do not belong here. That is your free will within the New Program.”

What if everything we see around us has happened before? An extraordinary concept, but when we take a closer look it is really not so hard to believe. Even the most respected human minds tell us time doesn’t actually exist. Advanced theoretical physicists tell us all existence is simultaneous.

The Elonias Foundation shows us there are many ‘inner’ dimensions existing alongside our own ‘outer’ space. Beyond mathematics and the impossible complexity of quantum mechanics is something far more powerful and far more vast – your mind.

Everyday, we move between possibilities as to what moment in time we experience based on our choices. But what if all of these choices were more like threads on a tapestry that has been woven though time and space for a long, long time?

This being so then all memory, all choices, all dimensions, all creation .. already exist and are actually ‘the past’. So how do we break through the sameness? How do we travel beyond the limitations of the past? Beyond creation itself?

Before we answer that, let us look firstly at a simple but very, very powerful fact: all comes from somewhere. All matter is encoded with the memory and energy of all that ever happened. And when reality itself is unable to break free of the sameness then we must turn to our greater mind.

There is another aspect to your reality that has not been activated before. Mind TravelTM has the ability to enter what we call ‘The Zone’. The Zone is the corridor of energy within you that is relative to what is “New” – a New Program for your life.

This New Program is relative to what has never been here before. You can only access The Zone through your own inner being because what is Real within you is connected to what is beyond time and space, but exists within it so it can be remembered and connected to by those who have a need to journey beyond the sameness of time and space.

That is why a “remote viewer” using remote using techniques can never touch what is accessible via Mind Travel. Mind Travel utilises the signature of your own sound to tap into a greater sound of energy that has never been activated within the time and space of creation before. Sound impossible? If you think perhaps it is, that very thought is only because you are stuck in the reality of recycled memory of the past.

Understanding Intuitive & Psychic Abilities

Our ancestors relied upon our 6th sense to avoid danger, and to help them survive. It is often referred to as a ‘gut feeling’ or ‘a knowing’. Mothers with young children will often use it to keep their children protected. However, in this technological age our 6th sense is in danger of being absorbed into ‘information overload’, with this natural part of humanity becoming discarded and unused.

However, when people need to explore the meaning to life, their spirituality, their purpose and what lies beyond the boundary of their physicality, then their psychic abilities have to be woken up and activated. Physic abilities usually fall into the categories of: Clairsentience (feelings) Clairvoyance (seeing) Clairaudience (hearing)


This is the ability to see what other cannot. You may see people, animals or even people’s energy fields, known as auras. This may be extremely clear to you at times, and not at other times. You may see through your outer vision (eyes) or through your inner vision.

Many clairvoyants can see through their outer as well as through their inner vision. Some children see imaginary friends and often talk to them, as well as play with them. After about the age of 8 – 9 their ability often disappears, but not always.

Some clairvoyants are known to have seen things since their childhood. But for those whose clairvoyance is more ‘inner’, this ability comes from the source relaying the impressions and images to the clairvoyant and the clairvoyant interpreting what they are receiving.

Clairvoyance also comes through visions and dreams, where visual images are projected towards the clairvoyant, these often being extremely clear and detailed.


This is the ability to hear. A person who is a highly skilled clairaudient will often tell you they can actually hear voices from outside their physicality, and other times they hear them in their mind. They are usually clear and precise, with a message that is often very relevant to current circumstances either for the clairaudient themselves, or for another person for them to relay the message to.

This ability also ties in with mediumship and inspirational writing, as well as teachings.

Examples of psychic abilities are:

  • Intuition

  • Psychometry

  • Predicting the future – precognition / premonition

  • Aware of energy changes / the unseen

  • Mediumship

  • Working with energy (this covers many examples and expertise)

  • Visions

  • Creative abilities such as art & writing


This involves what you feel. You sense something, and your feelings tell you in story. For example: You meet someone for the first time. Within seconds you feel so empty, so lonely, so afraid. The person standing in front of you doesn’t display any of these feelings, yet you can’t shake what you have just felt.

You know it would be rude if you asked them to confirm what you have just felt, so you keep it to yourself. Some time later you overhear her speaking to someone else. She is expressing exactly what you felt about her earlier. This is called ‘clairsentience’.

The Edge of Reality

What is it about our perception, of our point in time and space, that makes us believe that we are the only one? What is our moment that is passing in front of our eyes and within our mind, the only point from which to refer anything?

Why is it that so many are resistant to the idea that the past and the future exist simultaneously? For the future, their ‘now’ is the most important now, and we are but a memory of the past. To us, our past is the past; we are the now and the future hasn’t happened yet. How ridiculous.

When we look at space and time, surely we have to understand we are not that important when it comes to the identification of the total and complete reality of time and space. Why are we the ones ‘chosen’ in this very moment to exist when all else either did happen, or has not happened yet? Can you see my point?

It is a farce to believe in oneself as being the single point of relativity to which all things relate. And so we must look always at time and space as a collective movement of thought and memory with multiple ‘consciousnesses’ existing as multiple individual thoughts – like you and I – within the entire spectrum of reality on multiple dimensions and in multiple space-time locations.

In a reality that, to our perception, takes so long to move anywhere significant, our point in time – our moment – is really nothing more than one of a seemingly infinite number of them. And so space and time co-exist together in all places. The future and the past co-exist with the now. It is all a point of relativity.

Someone sitting in the future who is able to travel back to the past within the corridor of their mind will come back to us as their past, and revisit it as something that ‘was’. To us, they come from an inexplicable future, one that we cannot understand if – and that is ‘if’ – we look at time as being linear and based on one single point of our conscious thought of reckoning of what reality ‘is’ or ‘is not’.

And so I challenge you, I ask you, I implore you … remove your sense of independence from space and time from this ‘moment’ of ‘you’. Remove your sense of identification of the importance of every moment away from your moment of you.

Take a look – a bigger look – at the power of reality as a construct of thought and memory. Make sure at all times you are not constrained into the personal identification of self by seeing this moment in time as being all that exists at the centre point of everything. Because that is a farce.

Only the awareness of the ‘all’ within the many can explain the co-existent realities within this program that move amongst us, within us and around us every day on multiple dimensions, in multiple space and time locations, on multiple planets and in multiple places.

… And given this is all an illusion, then what is Real exists beyond even the perception of this single point of reality within this single frame of existence called Earth.

There is so much more to see, and so much more to say and so much more to hear. But without this simple identification of fact, one can never remove themselves from their absolute self as being the totality of reality.

From the awareness of ‘what you are’ the point of self is the lowest note, and we should embrace ‘what we are’ by being open on our lowest note of consciousness so we may understand the ‘illusion of reality’ firstly.

Only then, we may travel to ‘reality’.

Alan – I don’t remotely believe in Ghosts, I think science has long disproven them. And most ghost stories have natural explanations. But demonic entities are a paranormal thing that is very real. I saw photos of real life scenes that a horror movie was based on.

Jason – Hi Alan, thanks for your comment. Whether you believe in them or not ghosts do exist, and science unfortunately can only measure the very very limited. Over 30 years I have seen and conversed with many, many ghosts. I see so many paranormal investigators bring out their voiceboxes and thermal imaging cameras and laser sensors .. and whilst they can an do play a small part, they are mostly outsmarted and outplayed by inter-dimensional characters who saw them coming a mile away. When I say ‘ghosts’ please understand, they are simply those of us who have passed over, on their way to the next step of their journey. Heaven does not exist, somewhere genuinely more beautiful does. The afterlife is a transitional dimension that exists as a spirit world directly alongside us here. Thought is very powerful there, and the idea of heaven was conjured by religion as an emotional con to obey during life. We all live again, and have lived before. But you are right about the paranormal – there are many dimensional entities that step in and out of this reality. The term demonic is heavily influenced by religion and hollywood, however we have had to deal with many of these entities and they do exist. I just replied to a previous post as well explain in a little more detail, but getting back to the main point – the majority of people do not actually see ‘ghosts’ as such. They see a memory imprint repeating across a temporal dimensional junction amplified by psychic energy, meridian locations or both. Time and space are all in one point, as quantum physics has finally discovered. What people sometimes see is an interdimensional entity pretending to be a person for nefarious purposes. Nothing is what it seems here. But awareness without fear is the key. Thanks for your comment. Try this:


Alan – Heaven is very much real. I think a lot of ghost encounters might be demons that pretend to be the spirit of someone who passed. I will note that for skeptics the ghosts never seem to appear, only to those that already believe. A team of ghost hunters will find ghosts everywhere in a supposed haunted house, but send in skeptics and the ghosts just don’t make an appearance

Thanks Alan, trickers can certainly only trick those who hold onto image and expectation. When many paranormal investigators go into a haunted location they almost always find exactly what they expect, and they are manipulated. I have seen it many times. In regards to the realms of life beyond the physical, the truth does not require you to believe it. I have spent 30 years working as an investigator and intuitive psychic. My wife and I have spoken with countless people who had passed over, with decades of proof and evidence. Many have passed into the light to beyond and it is so beautiful. Much communication is shared about beyond life, and the beauty of returning to a greater part of ourselves. However, no one apart from living people have ever mention or speak about heaven. In fact, once a higher perspective is reached, the image of heaven is denounced. Ask anyone who has had a near death experience. They will tell you the same. But there is much more beauty beyond life than just a concept of heaven. There is a greater energy source we all come from and will go back to, but it is not a human heaven. Most people stay for a ‘time’ in a thought world that can look ‘heavenly’ in order to reconcile their life journey with their soul energy, but the soul always returns to the next life, or moves on to levels of energy beyond here. The energy of our soul belongs to a greater spirit – one that belongs to an even greater spirit. And so it goes. A stationary heaven goes against all of the natural laws of energy, thought, love and causality.


Alan – I know people who have died and come back who spoke with God. And I also know dead people don’t communicate with the living. Anyone can practice cold reading and convince people they’re talking to the dead

Jason – If their message gave them hope then that is wonderful. They will have spoken to a higher part of their own being. I am afraid you are very much mistaken about speaking to people who have died. And there is no ‘cold’ readings. As I said earlier, I have decades of evidence, not subjective. Proof coming out our ears, over and over. Experience makes us aware – not opinion. We have had experiences over decades that show your view of the world is unfortunately very limited. It also sounds like you are holding onto a lot of fear. When you let go of belief and are totally open to being right or wrong, like we have, then you can discover the truth. Belief, religious or otherwise, will stop the truth. Love your conviction, however, so if anytime you are ready with an open mind I am happy to share. Until then, thank you for you time.



Harmony is a prerequisite of any journey. For without the balance of harmony there can never be a true or real interpretation of light.

Within the boundaries of thought are so many possibilities that fracture and fragment, endlessly at times, into something that is nothing like the originator of thought itself.

What is the mechanism of observation and allowing the true and real understanding of light and love for what one is to be present within their own vicinity at all times? A hard question, surely not. For within the boundary of thought comes the equality of light, and within the equality of light comes the sound of what one is. The sound of what one is, is always in balance, always in line with the thought that created it all.

And beyond the thought is the reality of what one is. It is like a cross that you see on your wall where the vertical aspect is the ascension into the higher regions of light of what you are, and the horizontal is the sound of life and creation coming into a centre point. That is the balance and harmony. All things into one central point of awareness and observation.

And while you observe, you observe because of the centre point of light that descends and ascends at every interval of the circumference of life and sound, called creation.

The movement of thought is abstract and away from its original thought. The essence of thought is centred within the light of what one is, and therefore balance and harmony is always aligned to the centre point of awareness and observation. Nothing more, nothing less. For either end of the spectrum is out of balance with the centre point.

And so light and love are the one true and real counterbalance to all things. Not counterbalance as an outer offset of measurement, but the counterbalance to all things – a centre most point of awareness. Inward awareness. Love. The light of what you are, and yet within that light are always graduations of awareness and understanding as one ascends higher and closer to what they really are beyond the matrix of revolution.

And within the sound of entry, one remits all that one is to enter within illusion. And within the exit, one returns to the flame of remembrance to take on the light of what one is once again.

And so the awareness of all is the balance and harmony that one seeks at all times within the essence of what they are. An outward thought, an outward motive, lessens the quality of sound of what one is, and the love within is surely the only true point of recall. No measurement. No life. No complexity. Just the true awareness of the centre point of what one always was, even before they came here.

I leave you with what I have most of, and that is truly love.

Bless you.

Di – Who are those beyond the program? Because for as long as I can remember I have always felt lost without a purpose. I do have a knowing that I am suppose to do something, but I don’t know what, and I have had a knowing most my life that home is elsewhere. In The Journey Home eBook by Elonias, do you mean the energy of light is LOVE? I know love is the only thing that is REAL.

Jason – We live within recreated thought and memory. Yes, love is all that really exists. Light and love are very very real.. but we also have to remember what is Real so we can live this life and move through it with awareness on our Journey Home. Over 40 years Diane’s and my work, we were spoken to many 1000s of times over decades by Elonias and other higher beings from beyond this program. They are us, in the Real. They are the highest part of our being and far beyond here, not human at all. This program was created a long, long time ago. It was originally a place of learning such as the mystery schools of Egypt. However, there was a tragic unfolding of events and the entire program became a prison of thought and memory, forever cycling around in an endless loop. Those from beyond here (many races, some of light, some of higher form) have re-entered back into the program to wake people up .. because it is time to go home. This reality will never become love and light – that is just fanciful romancing – because this is just memory. If you feel you have a purpose, then that is your Real memory starting to rise within you.

We are all divisions of the One. So much thought is separate. When the thought is separate it creates more separation. So what is the difference between divisional energy and the separation of thought?

Thought, firstly, it is an image. It is an image designed to equal an expectation or a version of truth that one aspires to and one needs. But what is divisional energy? And why is what we really are a division of energy?

All light is One. There is no separation in light. Pure light. Light becomes divisional through segments of creation and through barriers of reality, and through layers of thoughts and memories. But light in its essence never divides, and yet we say that it is divisional only because it shares itself amongst various aspects of perception.

When one stands at the top of a staircase one has a vantage point. A vision. An ability to see further. A greater sense of perspective. If one is to step down to the middle point of that staircase and keep communicating with oneself on top of the staircase, when one is at the middle of the staircase one has a lesser view, but is still the same ‘You’.

If we descend down to the bottom of the staircase we have what we could call the consciousness, a more limited vision of reality but still in communication and fully connected to the part of our self that is both midway up the staircase and at the very top. We are divisional, not separate.

We are experiencing multiple aspects of sound. Multiple realities. We are sharing our energy through multiple streams of evolution and multiple factors of awareness. But that does not make a separate. It makes us One through a divisional array of thought and memory. The essence of light remains intact, but it is divisional as it is shared down the staircase.

The unity of the Light of All is when the lowest point, the consciousness, the human mind and the essence that lives within each one is in full contact with the highest level of awareness and remembering of what one really is. That is when for light awareness of what you really are flows down into the consciousness of one’s life. One does not need to create an energy of image or expectation. One does not need to convince anyone of anything. One does not need to pursue goals to eventually become at the top of the staircase, Because one is already there. It is simply the consciousness that perceives reality, and what is real, differently.

So what is it to maintain the One within oneself? It is to know. Not to think or believe, but to know and remember one is still standing on top of the staircase. One has descended down into the middle and lower streams of reality – the middle and lower tiers to perception, the steps steps on The staircase. One inhabits multiple realms at once. One light shining through different spectrums of sound.

The essence is always One.

So we are all divisions of the One of what we really are, and what is real never becomes less real when moving through illusion. It maintains its centre point at all times, and when we move through our lives we must maintain our centre point at all times. The way we maintain that centre point is to be aware that we have never left, and we are experiencing and evaluation of separation in order for something greater to occur. That does not make us greater or lesser. It makes us a division of the One.

So much fracturing and fragmentation of thought and imagery is applied to the energy of what one really is. Grandiose images, false prophets, analogies of greatness all come from a fractured perspective of thought, but not from the energy of what one is. When one is resounding to what one is, one does not need to create imagery, idols and essences separate from themselves to justify their life purpose as dictated by the self.

No one is more important than another. No one is greater than another. No one is lesser than another. If your imagery has a purpose that seeks others to follow then your imagery is flawed by your inability to recognise the value of all being One.

So the movement of sound through our lives is one that follows the pathway light. When we look for purpose we must understand that for purpose to be true, Purpose can only come from the essence of what one is. If one is in communication quietly, deeply within the energy of what they are and remembers that they are both standing on top of the stairs, and midway, and inhabiting the lowest note of the human self then one knows the answers two questions are already known inside.

And so the journey becomes not a journey at all, it becomes an experience of awareness, and that experience of awareness is the journey home for so many. For the One has arrived within the power point of creation, within reality, within this illusion.

But the registration of sound that it is is now accessible through the Gateway of your mind. So you are a division of the One of what you are. And within the silence – within that single point recognition – comes a new future, a new pathway, a new dimension of awareness that allows you to remember you are more than who you believe you are. You are more than who you know you have ever been whilst you only register life through the consciousness.

The parity of it all is that ‘what you are’ is always available, because it is in fact all you are and all you have ever been, and all that you were before you even came here.

I leave you with what I have most of and that is truly love. Bless you.

Q. Can you tell me more about the Galactic Command Units?

JasonOver the many years we have been spoken to, we were introduced to ‘Frequency Dimensional Units’. You can read more about these in The Journey Home. These are the parts of our coding system that both restore our individual energy structures into viable energy / memory fields that are no longer compromised. They allow us to vibrate to other levels of this reality as part of the ability to allow more light to enter into both our own energy structures as well as the energy of the space (as we all inhabit more than just this level of reality). They also allow for greater communication with our Real being, opening up light channels within. This is all a part of the larger implementation of light to wake up so many. FDUs are a reconnection to one’s True energy signature within creation.

The Galactic Command is the collective of higher beings that have re-entered this program from the ‘Real’ and comprise of higher light and other energy beings. The Greater Plan is run by the Galactic Command, and Galactic Command Units (The Journey Home) are the encoded memories of light of our Real and True energy identity beyond illusion, from what is Real. Anyone who resonates to beyond this program – therefore here to assist with the shift of light happening on a larger and personal scale – has their energy structure activated by Galactic Command Units.

Simply, Galactic Command Units are the connection point and memory of home from beyond here. They are the impulses of light to help you wake up and remember what you are, and from where you came.

Q. How can I contact the light beings from beyond. What do the light beings look?


Light beings have shown themselves to us in many ways over the past 40 years, because they come from many realms within the Real. Some represent themselves as beings on starships, part of a highly advanced collective. The Great Ones have shown themselves in the ancient images of robed beings, sometimes as angelic (no wings, for goodness sake, how ridiculous) as luminous energy beings. Quite breathtaking. Total love. There is a great humility, total awareness and total accountability. They are the same we you and I, and we are ultimately the same as they are. No importance, no singularity.

However, the Great Ones are VERY clear to tell us not to have foolish images such as biblical, new-age or other silly fantasies to appease the ego self. They certainly do not represent themselves as animals or trees or earthly energy frequencies, for goodness sake. They show us a form that we can relate to only.

I have seen the Great Ones and those from beyond here in so many ways, through meditations and dreams. It always makes one humble in their presence. Some of the most powerful ‘appearances’ is when there is no visual at all – it is a communication of total awareness and total light. That is the most accurate of all. 

Whats a good morning prayer?

Jason – With regards to a prayer, to be ‘aware’ is to remember ‘what’ you are is all that really exists. This is a very important statement, and not to be relegated as a ‘given’. To be ‘awake’ is a state of mind that exists in every moment of every day.

I do not use a prayer or affirmations every morning, but I understand your need to do so .. it is like finding a way to get in touch with something meaningful once you find yourself ‘back here’ upon waking up.

I would be asking yourself why you feel you need a prayer? Because it is the powerful feeling inside you that drives you to want to have one in the first place that is more important than a prayer ever will be. Prayer risks creating imagery, and will take you away from the true sound within. If your inner sound has something to say, or show you, or wants you to intuitively feel something .. and you are routinely praying, then you may get in your own way.

I would be going back to what I said in an earlier message – you are already in contact with the Great Ones. When you know that, and are quiet within, focus on an inner flame of ‘you’ or simply focus on the feeling you have had your whole life of how different you are, and the most powerful innermost memory that you do not belong here .. that is where I would start. Inwardly, not outwardly.

Remember, illusion has been placed over reality. Finding contact with those greater is about letting go of you, not reaching out to somewhere else. 

Di Q. I feel at times very despondent with life, wandering around in the wilderness, wondering what to do, trying to find a meaning in life?  I call it, Infinite Intelligence or the Source. What are your thoughts?

Jason – The source is surely the originator of all things within this program – the light of all creation. However, beyond the source of this reality is what is Real from where we come from. From our perspective it is infinite because it is All things, and we perceive it from our perspective of singular consciousness. The Great Ones have spoken many times about the source, and you will find more about this in eBook The Journey Home.

The Light of All is the light from beyond this creation that enters through the central chamber of creation, and is the bridge to take everyone home. You are absolutely right, because only in the light of what is Real can we find purpose.