I would like to ask you a question – do any of your memories or experiences in your life that keep re-occurring feel like they do not belong to you? Do you have recurring patterns of experiences? People? Jobs? Relationships? Do you sit down sometimes and question … why does this keep happening? What is going on?

We are all familiar with the concept of karma. Of course we are. Karma is a very well understood topic by people who dig a little bit deeper into what life is about. It is a part of the human experience. We have all lived before, and we will all live again. That is the nature of time. We all have an energy of a soul and spirit from before and during this life, and we will continue on after we depart this life. We have lived past lives that explore different lifestyles, ideas, concepts, different emotional stages and levels of awareness of what life is.

And so karma is in essence the opposites of the human equation. How we deal with fear, power, grief. How we deal with so many things such as happiness, giving, love and rejection – so many things the human condition and experience encompasses. We move from one experience to another, learning, observing and exploring the journey called life.

There is a magnetic return energy with karma – of course there is. Everything goes round and returns in smaller and then ever widening circles of experience. It is called the magnetic law. The rotation of compliance. The Journey Home book speaks about this and other associated topics in great depth.

For this blog, let us just focus on karma. What if not all of the memories you hold – and therefore not all the feelings and experiences you believe you have had – belong to you? What if some of the memories you hold were never supposed to be yours? Could this explain why things that re-occur in your life make you scratch your head and ask, “Why is this happening to me again?” and “What possible value is there in this again for me to learn from this?”

Often, in my experience and in the experience of many people I help, there does not seem to be a point to some of the memories uncovered.

Let’s cross over to a different topic for a moment. Let’s talk about time. Now, you know how much I love to talk about time so let’s just spend a moment on it. You have heard me mention before that time does not actually exist, and yet we all live our life like it does. That makes it an even more fascinating subject! So let us take the reality of what ‘time’ actually is – the passage from one memory and moment to the next. You have heard me say before that all time is also simultaneous – the past and the future, our past lives and future lives, are all happening right now, as you read this, on different frequencies of this experience and in different locations in this space. Time does not exist, but all memory does.

The movement of our consciousness ‘through time’ gives the perception that time is passing. But at the end of it all, time itself does not exist. It is a loop of memory. But was it really meant to be this way?

The thing about time is that the past creates the future, and the future creates the past. But if you take a look around you in your life, I would ask you one question – does the world seem right? Does it seem in balance? Does it seem everything is where it should be? I would expect everyone would have to say “No”. For anyone who said yes, I would say you are not looking hard enough.

The world is not in balance. It is in fact grossly out of balance .. in the wrong direction. So many things in this experience called life are geared towards power, manipulation and unfairness. When we look at that, we have to then take a look at time. If time is a series of memories that all exist at the same time, and the past affects the future .. and the future affects the past .. then they are mutually inter-dependent. Which simply means they need each other.

As conscious human beings, we do not readily and consciously have a memory of the future available to us. So what happens when the future (one that is the result of an out-of-balance reality) actively connects to the past? Because the past actively connects to the future. But what does this have to do with memory, and what it does it have to do with karma?

Let us look at it this way – the program of life, the energy of life, the cycle of life, the sameness of life .. is determined to stay the same. The powerful are in power; the powerless are without power. That is the rule here. So therefore, the future has the advantage point of visibility across the history of time including our now. What if it actively imprinted memories deep inside our psyche? What if it imprinted memories and experiences, even lifetimes, into our past and reflected those memories back to us again – like a mirror – into our now so we believe things that never actually happened, did happen.

What if our responses based upon uncertainty, unsureness, remorse and fear are dis-empowering us so we cannot see the true beauty and true depth, strength and clarity of who and what we are? What if some of the things we hold onto every day, in every part of our life … were simply not true? We would need to re-evaluate. We sure would.

And so, we look at karma as a very real aspect of an energy of experience recurring from one life to the next, from one experience to the next throughout the history of mankind, in order to gain awareness for the sole as part of a sole group as we all travel along a spiritual journey that is called humanity. But then we need to also have to look at a system of life we live in now, that is cyclic and does not want people to change.

Do you want a better future? I’ll bet you do. Do you want the best future you can have? Absolutely you do.

That being the case, I would ask you to take a look. Be open. Take a look at your life, at the psychic pattern of things that happen in your life. Take a look at the things you experience, the members you have, the feelings you have got, and ask yourself … do they make sense?

If the answer is ‘maybe not’, then perhaps reality itself is trying to keep you in an old program. Perhaps the future is trying to maintain a powerbase that is out of balance.

That being so, it makes it so important to look deeply within ourselves. To look deep within the real memories we carry of what we really are. Only our inner self, our real memories, our real self can determine what is real to us.

I have had so many people uncover memories and feelings, entire lifetimes through intuitive readings I have done, psychic readings and timeline readings … where their memories do not match the reality of what is happening, and what is happening cannot be traced back to karmic memory.

There is something fundamentally wrong with the memory structure of life. And so I ask the simple question – does everything you experience in life make sense? Do the cyclic and repetitive patterns that perhaps because you grief, strain and confusion keep you in the same space unecessarily? Spinning around, trying to figure it out? Maybe, just maybe, there is nothing to figure out at all.

Maybe a new future is available when we take a moment to understand we are more than the memory we are created to be.

We have inside of us something very special that will lead us to a new future, that will bypass obsolete and false memory .. and we have something inside of us that will show us the way.

The Journey Home is built upon the energy of awareness and remembering. Knowing what we are, deep inside, so the depth of awareness can come to the surface and change who we are so much for the better. It can show as the Gateway to our mind to leave the sameness and the old life behind. Our inner being can make every aspect of who and what we are, real. It can help us bypass the time loop to have a new future, to travel somewhere else where there is an exit from the sameness of our life.

I hope the question of karma, memory and cyclic patterns perhaps raises a new question inside of you.