Changing self-programming by Diane Swaffield

Does this sound familiar?  ..  No matter how hard you try, you just keep listening to all those negative thoughts in your head that just won’t go away.  They don’t always give you the best advice when you need it, but instead they often get in the way of solving an issue with their repetitive and often non-constructive reasoning.  When this happens, you are in a loop of your own thoughts that are referred to as ‘self-programming’.

This is your ‘self-talk’.  It’s the script you have created to protect yourself from issues such as: not feeling good enough, fear of rejection, negative body image, lack of confidence, and so on.  There are a great number of factors that involve negative self-programming, and they may have been with you for a long, long time.

Changing self-programming means you have to change how you talk to yourself.  It’s that simple.  However, many people have become accustomed to the way they think, the way they behave and the negative outcomes in their lives that have come from it.  They are the victims of this world, where nothing works, and nothing is fair.

Simply, you have to change.  Stop waiting for the world to change around you.  It’s not going to happen.  I bet you have invented so many excuses, justified everything you have done, as well as blamed so many people and situations, and guess what?  Your life still sucks.  It doesn’t work. It can also make you feel isolated, where no-one understands you and no-one is there for you.  Well, that’s what negative self-programming does for you.

So how easy is it to defeat self-programming?  As I have already said, self-programming is simply ‘self-talk’.  It’s what you say to yourself every single day, sometimes over and over again.  You say it so often that you have talked yourself into believing it.  It’s become a way of life.  It’s become your identity.  But if it’s not working for you, then it’s got to change.  That’s when the Mindhubb ‘Talk2Self’ technique can help you make that change.  So, I will now explain how it all works:

There are two aspects of the mind.  The conscious and the subconscious.  The subconscious mind acts according to the beliefs of the conscious mind, and does not distinguish whether those beliefs are good or bad, beneficial or destructive.  It is this subconscious belief system, which is often referred to as “a silent partner to consciousness” that plays back these beliefs as ‘self-talk’.

Your ‘self-talk’, or self-programming, can only change when a new belief, or a different attitude replaces it.  The Talk2Self technique is all about creating a new ‘script’, using your own trusted voice, which you have recorded, and then played back through your phone or other recording device, using head-sets for maximum concentration and privacy.  By listening to your own voice, with its change of script, and ‘believing’ with everything you have in what you are saying, then this new script, with its new beliefs, will filter down into your subconscious and replace the outgrown negative self-talk with the new version.

So let’s talk about your new script.  It needs to have content that changes your belief or attitude towards yourself, others, or perhaps an issue that has created your self-programming.  However, there are too many variables to be mentioned here.

Your script should be around 2 – 3 minutes long.  That’s about 350 – 500 words.  That’s enough time and content to create a new way of talking to yourself that cancels out the old self-dialogue.  Then you need to record your script on either your phone or another recording device you might have.  Remember to speak slowly and concisely, and don’t forget to emphasize what is important to you.  Then replay it back.  Make sure you’re happy with what you have said, and also how you have said it.  This should be listened to regularly over a period of time, until you notice the changes in your thinking. When you change your self-programming, then you change your life.  It’s that easy.

If you would like to take a step further in understanding yourself and your ‘most likely’ future that you are creating, then take a look at my Program titled ‘Creating the Future you want‘, which is available under the Mind Travel section of The Journey Home website. Not only will it change your life, it will change your future.  This program will take you on a personal journey, mind travelling forward in time to view and experience your ‘most likely future’. You will then travel back in time to heal your past, become empowered to make change, then experience a guided Mind Travel exercise to create and experience your ‘new future’.


Blog written by Diane Swaffield. Read with love by Jason, in dedication and inspired memory of Diane.