I have worked with remembering and interpreting dreams for over 35 years.
I originally started meditation and inner workshops for the mind and the light of awareness in the early 90s when my one-day-to-be wife, Diane, was speaking and instructing on the ‘Power of the Mind’ and the ‘Brotherhood of Light’ we are all a part of. I very quickly became aware of just how important it is to listen to what our inner voice is saying.
Dreams are an unfiltered, powerfully prophetic and deeply insightful part of that conversation. There is no coincidence dreams often predict the future, because our subconscious mind is not bound by time. Nor is the rest of us, but as we delve deeper we travel into the ‘timeless’.
I started all those years ago by quietly telling myself, over and over, before I went to sleep at night that I “will remember my dreams”. Then, when I woke up, I would keep my eyes closed and stay in that in-between state as best I could to see what I could recall. I kept it up, over and over.
I now know those theta or deep alpha states only too well – they are the most precious levels of consciousness where we can move between the dream and waking state and recall so much. It is the same for a deep meditative state. I would then write and write and write … filling pages with dreams. Many came true, others gave me insight into myself as well as others around me so I could better navigate life, and all of my feelings and actions within it. But ALL were accurate. Every single one. The subconscious only knows the truth.