What about Infinite Intelligence, or the Source?

Di Q. I feel at times very despondent with life, wandering around in the wilderness, wondering what to do, trying to find a meaning in life?  I call it, Infinite Intelligence or the Source. What are your thoughts?

Jason – The source is surely the originator of all things within this program – the light of all creation. However, beyond the source of this reality is what is Real from where we come from. From our perspective it is infinite because it is All things, and we perceive it from our perspective of singular consciousness. The Great Ones have spoken many times about the source, and you will find more about this in eBook The Journey Home.

The Light of All is the light from beyond this creation that enters through the central chamber of creation, and is the bridge to take everyone home. You are absolutely right, because only in the light of what is Real can we find purpose.