Tag Archive for: #illusionofreality

Di – Who are those beyond the program? Because for as long as I can remember I have always felt lost without a purpose. I do have a knowing that I am suppose to do something, but I don’t know what, and I have had a knowing most my life that home is elsewhere. In The Journey Home eBook by Elonias, do you mean the energy of light is LOVE? I know love is the only thing that is REAL.

Jason – We live within recreated thought and memory. Yes, love is all that really exists. Light and love are very very real.. but we also have to remember what is Real so we can live this life and move through it with awareness on our Journey Home. Over 40 years Diane’s and my work, we were spoken to many 1000s of times over decades by Elonias and other higher beings from beyond this program. They are us, in the Real. They are the highest part of our being and far beyond here, not human at all. This program was created a long, long time ago. It was originally a place of learning such as the mystery schools of Egypt. However, there was a tragic unfolding of events and the entire program became a prison of thought and memory, forever cycling around in an endless loop. Those from beyond here (many races, some of light, some of higher form) have re-entered back into the program to wake people up .. because it is time to go home. This reality will never become love and light – that is just fanciful romancing – because this is just memory. If you feel you have a purpose, then that is your Real memory starting to rise within you.

We are all divisions of the One. So much thought is separate. When the thought is separate it creates more separation. So what is the difference between divisional energy and the separation of thought?

Thought, firstly, it is an image. It is an image designed to equal an expectation or a version of truth that one aspires to and one needs. But what is divisional energy? And why is what we really are a division of energy?

All light is One. There is no separation in light. Pure light. Light becomes divisional through segments of creation and through barriers of reality, and through layers of thoughts and memories. But light in its essence never divides, and yet we say that it is divisional only because it shares itself amongst various aspects of perception.

When one stands at the top of a staircase one has a vantage point. A vision. An ability to see further. A greater sense of perspective. If one is to step down to the middle point of that staircase and keep communicating with oneself on top of the staircase, when one is at the middle of the staircase one has a lesser view, but is still the same ‘You’.

If we descend down to the bottom of the staircase we have what we could call the consciousness, a more limited vision of reality but still in communication and fully connected to the part of our self that is both midway up the staircase and at the very top. We are divisional, not separate.

We are experiencing multiple aspects of sound. Multiple realities. We are sharing our energy through multiple streams of evolution and multiple factors of awareness. But that does not make a separate. It makes us One through a divisional array of thought and memory. The essence of light remains intact, but it is divisional as it is shared down the staircase.

The unity of the Light of All is when the lowest point, the consciousness, the human mind and the essence that lives within each one is in full contact with the highest level of awareness and remembering of what one really is. That is when for light awareness of what you really are flows down into the consciousness of one’s life. One does not need to create an energy of image or expectation. One does not need to convince anyone of anything. One does not need to pursue goals to eventually become at the top of the staircase, Because one is already there. It is simply the consciousness that perceives reality, and what is real, differently.

So what is it to maintain the One within oneself? It is to know. Not to think or believe, but to know and remember one is still standing on top of the staircase. One has descended down into the middle and lower streams of reality – the middle and lower tiers to perception, the steps steps on The staircase. One inhabits multiple realms at once. One light shining through different spectrums of sound.

The essence is always One.

So we are all divisions of the One of what we really are, and what is real never becomes less real when moving through illusion. It maintains its centre point at all times, and when we move through our lives we must maintain our centre point at all times. The way we maintain that centre point is to be aware that we have never left, and we are experiencing and evaluation of separation in order for something greater to occur. That does not make us greater or lesser. It makes us a division of the One.

So much fracturing and fragmentation of thought and imagery is applied to the energy of what one really is. Grandiose images, false prophets, analogies of greatness all come from a fractured perspective of thought, but not from the energy of what one is. When one is resounding to what one is, one does not need to create imagery, idols and essences separate from themselves to justify their life purpose as dictated by the self.

No one is more important than another. No one is greater than another. No one is lesser than another. If your imagery has a purpose that seeks others to follow then your imagery is flawed by your inability to recognise the value of all being One.

So the movement of sound through our lives is one that follows the pathway light. When we look for purpose we must understand that for purpose to be true, Purpose can only come from the essence of what one is. If one is in communication quietly, deeply within the energy of what they are and remembers that they are both standing on top of the stairs, and midway, and inhabiting the lowest note of the human self then one knows the answers two questions are already known inside.

And so the journey becomes not a journey at all, it becomes an experience of awareness, and that experience of awareness is the journey home for so many. For the One has arrived within the power point of creation, within reality, within this illusion.

But the registration of sound that it is is now accessible through the Gateway of your mind. So you are a division of the One of what you are. And within the silence – within that single point recognition – comes a new future, a new pathway, a new dimension of awareness that allows you to remember you are more than who you believe you are. You are more than who you know you have ever been whilst you only register life through the consciousness.

The parity of it all is that ‘what you are’ is always available, because it is in fact all you are and all you have ever been, and all that you were before you even came here.

I leave you with what I have most of and that is truly love. Bless you.

Q. How can I contact the light beings from beyond. What do the light beings look?


Light beings have shown themselves to us in many ways over the past 40 years, because they come from many realms within the Real. Some represent themselves as beings on starships, part of a highly advanced collective. The Great Ones have shown themselves in the ancient images of robed beings, sometimes as angelic (no wings, for goodness sake, how ridiculous) as luminous energy beings. Quite breathtaking. Total love. There is a great humility, total awareness and total accountability. They are the same we you and I, and we are ultimately the same as they are. No importance, no singularity.

However, the Great Ones are VERY clear to tell us not to have foolish images such as biblical, new-age or other silly fantasies to appease the ego self. They certainly do not represent themselves as animals or trees or earthly energy frequencies, for goodness sake. They show us a form that we can relate to only.

I have seen the Great Ones and those from beyond here in so many ways, through meditations and dreams. It always makes one humble in their presence. Some of the most powerful ‘appearances’ is when there is no visual at all – it is a communication of total awareness and total light. That is the most accurate of all. 

Whats a good morning prayer?

Jason – With regards to a prayer, to be ‘aware’ is to remember ‘what’ you are is all that really exists. This is a very important statement, and not to be relegated as a ‘given’. To be ‘awake’ is a state of mind that exists in every moment of every day.

I do not use a prayer or affirmations every morning, but I understand your need to do so .. it is like finding a way to get in touch with something meaningful once you find yourself ‘back here’ upon waking up.

I would be asking yourself why you feel you need a prayer? Because it is the powerful feeling inside you that drives you to want to have one in the first place that is more important than a prayer ever will be. Prayer risks creating imagery, and will take you away from the true sound within. If your inner sound has something to say, or show you, or wants you to intuitively feel something .. and you are routinely praying, then you may get in your own way.

I would be going back to what I said in an earlier message – you are already in contact with the Great Ones. When you know that, and are quiet within, focus on an inner flame of ‘you’ or simply focus on the feeling you have had your whole life of how different you are, and the most powerful innermost memory that you do not belong here .. that is where I would start. Inwardly, not outwardly.

Remember, illusion has been placed over reality. Finding contact with those greater is about letting go of you, not reaching out to somewhere else. 

Di Q. I feel at times very despondent with life, wandering around in the wilderness, wondering what to do, trying to find a meaning in life?  I call it, Infinite Intelligence or the Source. What are your thoughts?

Jason – The source is surely the originator of all things within this program – the light of all creation. However, beyond the source of this reality is what is Real from where we come from. From our perspective it is infinite because it is All things, and we perceive it from our perspective of singular consciousness. The Great Ones have spoken many times about the source, and you will find more about this in eBook The Journey Home.

The Light of All is the light from beyond this creation that enters through the central chamber of creation, and is the bridge to take everyone home. You are absolutely right, because only in the light of what is Real can we find purpose.

Q. People are constantly saying guard your Energy space against entities or evil, but I refuse to acknowledge these exist. If everything is an illusion and our thoughts are what we create, which then manifests into our reality, thus whatever the mind thinks plays on our subconscious. I have never been plagued with entities or evil. Isn’t this an illusion in people’s minds? I don’t give any attention or attachments to dark things because I don’t believe in it, so I’ve never had any entities or evil come in my space. So in other words as you see your world, you draw to you what you believe is your Truth. Why should I believe what everybody thinks, when it’s all in the mind and illusion. Universal truth or law states that the outside world is a reflection of our inner world. So whatever we fear most will be our companion be it good or bad. So why do people give things like this attention when it’s a reflection of their thoughts anyway? The ONLY thing in the whole Universe that’s real is LOVE, nothing else is real unless you give it your awareness and focus, hence the universe will bring to us what our thoughts believe. Why should people try and change my existing reality to their beliefs, when it’s their illusion anyway. My focus is LOVE and Light, so I don’t get anything else?

JasonTo answer your questions, I need to perhaps explain some fundamental aspects to the reality we call life. Yes, everything here is illusion – it is an artificial reality based on thought and memory. However, we as individuals did not create this reality. Greater beings from beyond here did. We cannot create anything that is not already created. We do not have the power. When this reality was created it was given a range of possibilities and probabilities that can be drawn from and magnetised to us by the power of our thoughts, memories, emotions and ultimately our choices and behaviour.

Our energy connects to the energy of memory and possibilities, and we will usually draw to us what we energise. The ‘create your own reality with your thought’ movement from years ago was completely based on ego and self-empowerment – a total lack of understanding that we exist in a program of illusion. We can only attract what is encoded within the possibilities and probabilities of reality, as it was designed as a closed space. No infinite possibilities. That is why even quantum scientists are so very wrong. They believe in the idea of infinity. Infinity is not infinity when it is just the same circle going around and around and around in a pre-determined path.

So, do we have choice? Yes we do. it depends on whether we draw from the old possibilities and pathway set in place by a corrupted energy system, or we identity the light within ourselves to remember the illusion of this reality and allow the greater energy within us to show us a new pathway, new possibilities, for a new outcome.

The subconscious is both a result of our own choices, and a powerful repeating pattern of whatever information and bias is put into it. This is why so many people go off their ‘best’ pathway, because there are indeed negative entities, energy systems and ‘other agendas’ that inhabit this space and seek to control people via the subconscious mind. Diane and I have over 40 years of experience in this area .. and they certainly exist and will prey on the vulnerable or foolish and egotistical idealists such as paranormal researches, energy healers, reiki masters (in fact, any ‘Master’), some mediums and many new age practitioners. However they can be easily overridden by the power of remembering what one really is.

Whether you give attention to them or not is not really the point. They do exist within illusion. However, if the power of one’s light is strong with love and awareness these entities have no access point and no means to control through fear.

Love is all that exists, and love comes from within us and not from the outer illusion.

When you say “Universal truth or law states that the outside world is a reflection of our inner world” I wonder where are you drawing that statement from? If the program or those within illusion have made those statements without being aware of what is Real beyond the illusion of time and space, then it is a rule set by illusion to protect itself from being obsolete. So much of this reality is indeed a reflection of inner and outer, that is true. However, we have to ask the question: What is the source of the reflection? Only then we can look at Universal Law.

Finally, you are right about fear. Whatever we fear most will be our companion. That is why it is important to realise there is Love which has no fear because it is all that is Real. And then there is the illusion of love and no-fear – this creates an image of love, which is really still fear of never finding love in the first place

The point of recognition in its simplest form is when one stops living with illusion as one’s reality. The point of recognition is when you are aware of the illusion of life, and you do not try and make it ‘Real’. You respond to everything equal to the awareness that this – all of this, our reality – is only a program. An artificial reality that is not our home.

The point of recognition is when you are living within illusion, but you are not of it. That recognition carries you forward to the next point of recognition, and that is the question that so many ask: “I know this is not real, so what am I here to do?”

The question of what you are here to do has several things attached to it. We look for a purpose in our life because we are looking for more meaning; we are looking for a greater depth to the life we live – of course we are! We all require meaning to exist meaningfully. We all want to achieve something that matters most to us. To have no meaning is to have no hope, and I am here to tell you not only is there hope, there is a way home. There is a way to find meaning. 

Wanting a sense of purpose comes from one of two places. It either comes from the need to capitalise on the self and make one’s illusionary reality even more illusionary, filling it with accolades, things and possessions, or the illusion of service to fulfil oneself. To fill in the empty space inside where loving awareness should be. So many people pursue this. That is not to say their personal perception of love is not the driving force in their pursuit, because to give love and share one’s energy of goodwill is beautiful thing. Often, however, when one believes the only way to find love it Is to give everything of yourself away in search of what sometimes seems so elusive … then sometimes, those with the biggest hearts often find themselves giving most of it away to others because they care so deeply about others, often to the detriment of themselves.

Whilst that is a commendable expression of outward love, it is not balanced with inward love. This selflessness does little to heal one’s own inner feeling of the void of love. The outer expression is often designed to compensate for that inner absence of love. The point of recognition risks becoming a need for a destiny or a purpose simply to fulfil one’s desire to be loved.

As much as that has merit for some, it is not a true endeavour of true purpose .. because it does not come from a centred point of awareness. It comes from a feeling of no-love. No-love is the absence of love in one’s awareness of yourself, and that only reinforces more illusion..

The second point of recognition for when one seeks to find their purpose, is something that initially can be seen as a paradox, until perhaps we explore what it actually means.

What is purpose? Purpose is a meaning for one’s existence. Purpose is a meaning for existence everywhere. For one to want to find a purpose means they want to be a part of ’the’ purpose of what this all means. The purpose of all existence everywhere. The yearning one feels towards this is because of the love they feel inside; the depth of meaning they know exists beyond the perception of life. They want to find their purpose in order to fulfil the inner awareness they feel happening as part of something far greater than themselves.

And so as we explore this a step further, let us ask why it is paradoxical. From the greater it is not, but from the lesser it is.

Once again, we asked the question as to why we want to find a purpose. We have just explored we want a purpose to be aware of the greater purpose of all things and to feel personally a part of it.

So who or what initiated ‘the’ purpose? If we are here within life and feel a need to be a part of a purpose, has something beyond us initiated that purpose? If so, then the purpose is not our own, but it is the purpose of a greater part of ourselves, from that ‘what’ we are beyond this illusion entirely. And so the point of recognition – the real and true point of recognition – comes when one is aware purpose is not their purpose alone. For it belongs to a greater awareness of energy. A greater mission, a greater plan. One does not have a purpose of their own; they have an intent to fulfil a part in a larger purpose. And whilst that translates into a personal purpose, the driving force of awareness behind the sense of a greater purpose is that one is aware they belong to something greater.

Therefore the point of recognition is the centre point of all things within one’s life within illusion. Therefore, the purpose of what is greater enters life, for life to then have purpose.

However, when the point of recognition is from the perspective of self alone a purpose of a greater nature will never be fulfilled. It will only ever be a directive of self. And whilst it may appease the sensibilities and the ego of one’s self and perhaps that of many others, perhaps even incorporating many good deeds, it will never align to the greater purpose.

Therefore the point of recognition driven by the self is always in the absence of the greater, based largely on the need to fulfil one’s own life.

And so we come to a decision. Just as we make decisions every day of our life. What is the point of recognition? What is our point of recognition – each one of us?

Is it a need to resolve our own personal issues through an exploration and exploitation of what we believe is most important to us? Of what gives us back that which we believe we need the most?

Or is our point of recognition a greater awareness where we are a part of something else? Where we belong to a greater plan, and allow that greater plan to translate into a life by listening inwardly, and to become the purpose given to us for our life… which brings us back to the centre point of this discussion, and that is: what is the point of recognition?

It is either the individual, separate life of oneself, or it is the light of all we are from beyond here.

One lives in illusion. One exists within illusion from beyond it.

Our Perception of our self versus the awareness of what we are, will determine whether we achieve the point of recognition.

Because, after all of the things we have just explored, there really is only one point recognition after all.

One is illusion. Only one is real.

Hope, the Source .. and no God.

Jason – Hope is such an important thing. To not lose hope is to always remember there is more to this life and to ourselves than we currently remember. I used to hope, a long time ago. But not anymore.

I have been spoken to by light beings from beyond this universe 1000s of times over 28 years. I have so much more to share, but it has to be placed in the right way and I work everyday and every night to build the final chapter of a story to tell. I am spoken to almost every day, and I am continuing Diane’s and my work to build a foundation of awareness where weary travellers can find peace, love and guidance on their journey back home.

Hope is for when we do not know. I no longer need hope, and I look forward to the day when you feel you no longer need it also. I have travelled to places beyond this planet. I have remembered standing in starships with great beings. I have travelled into the distant past and the far future, to other worlds. I have looked into the eyes of life forms and humans trapped here for eons, finally rescued and on their way home.

will never stop until I restore the hope, and then the remembering, to as many as I can through this world and beyond. The Great Ones are here because after so very, very long, the way home has been connected through the Gateway of consciousness.

Is there a God?

Jason – God does not exist as a ruling deity over humanity. What so many call God is a central chamber of energy that is the source of all creation. We live in a duplicated universe, on a planet and in the program of life that was created from what is Real beyond time and space itself.

Many have turned the idea of ‘God’ into a substitute for awareness, or a tool to serve their individual will. Others have created the reference to ‘God’ as a power effigy to control another, or to hide behind in order to not face themselves. So many representations of God are fear based – nothing could be further from the truth of it all.

We come from beyond creation, beyond the illusion of a God. There is no love in the actions of so many who fight and destroy, or segregate people, in the name of ‘God’. The greatest love of all does not need an icon or an image to serve.

The idea of ‘God’ is a limited concept of the One of All. The energy of the One is the Christ within. To remember the beauty within – the pure energy of love – is to recognise that all of reality is an illusion of memory, created by those far greater beyond it. Who are those far greater? They are what we really are, from where we really come from. All is One.

How do I move beyond this reality to find answers? Through meditation?

Jason – By remembering you are not really here in the first place. You see, it is about perception. Meditation is an important part of finding answers because it allows us to feel beyond our thoughts, so that is one way. 

One of the most important places to be to find answers, however, is the place within you that is totally and completely aware that you are not ‘you’, and ‘you’ is only a memory that once existed that ‘what’ you are resides within. ‘Who’ you are has questions, ‘what’ you are does not – it knows already.

That part of you will speak to you, and answers come through that point of contact.

We exist within a chamber of memory. It is hard to define the structure of reality we live within from the inside. So whether we call that a program, or a construct, a dream or a cube – it is all the same. What matters is that we understand the concept. Because from with inside reality, we cannot see it as we would from the outside. We do not have the capacity to truly define our reality. So we must rely upon what comes from beyond our reality to define the reality we exist within.

And so we have to look at having a conversation that allows us to understand the nature of our reality from a higher perspective, rather than define it simply with our consciousness. We exist inside a chamber. Let’s call it a chamber because it is a container of memory. We exist within a chamber of memory. Time is an experience within this chamber of memory. Our past, our future – it all exists as memory. We move through memories as a conscious sentient being experiencing the passage of one memory to the next.

We experience that movement as time, but time itself does not exist. We are aware of its passage because of our relativity to memory. And so when we look at our reality we look at a single fact: we exist within a construct of memory, and our lives are the movement of memory through the experience of the creation of life, contained within a chamber of memory that we call “reality”.

From within this reality we see so many aspects of reality that are relative only to our own perception, and to our own thoughts and experiences. When we look at the entirety of this construct of reality, this chamber of memory, the fact we only perceive around 1/10billionth of what we can identify with our eyes, ears and physical senses is an important point in understanding why it is so important to delve deeper inside our very being, our own minds and the greater part of ourselves. That part is totally aware, and is able to see all things. The repetitive nature of life itself. The cyclic movement of memory and events we experience as an all-too-familiar rotation of compliance to the sameness that is called expectation of life.

But what if we stopped expecting life to be what it is? What if we started expecting nothing, and started to experience life through the light of what we are? And through the light of what we are were able to be aware of our own higher mind, our inner being, and to be aware there is so much more beyond our life and our perception of self then we ever thought possible.

Why is it that we dismiss the thoughts and feelings that there has to be more, that this can’t be all there is? What happens after we die? What happens that we don’t understand whilst we are alive? These questions are so important. Why is it that we dismiss them through our life because we don’t have time to answer them, or we become inundated with expectations of our life from ourselves. Therefore, we don’t “take time” to “make time” to “have the time” to be quite within, and to move our focus to an inner part of ourselves, and to become aware of a deeper part that is available and can give us answers – a higher level of ourselves that sees things oh, so clearly.

And so we have to make a choice. That choice is whether we remain within the expectation of life, moving through memory, one thought to the next, one cycle to the next, one expectation to the next. Infused and confused by the influx of life and memory all around us.

Or, we make a choice to stand still and open our mind beyond the memory that we perceive. Beyond the person we believe we are. And we give ourselves permission to ask those questions again.

Who are we really? Why are we here? How did I get here? And where am I going? What is it that drives me to think and wonder and feel these things? Can I release my expectations upon myself, and have no perception of reality so I can understand and become aware of something more than who I believe I am?

And if I can do that, who will I become? And that is the most powerful and interesting thing of all. Because to become something more than who you currently are, to awaken what you are from within, is surely the greatest movement you can make within this reality. Because reality itself then takes on a new dimension of awareness. And the true movement you have made by standing still and going within is greater than any movement you can make outwardly, bypassing thought and memory. Bypassing the cyclic nature of this program, this chamber of life and memory. Entering a new corridor of existence that allows you to observe what was, and move through memory with a higher awareness and a deeper understanding than what the past – as memory – will ever offer up.

After all, this reality has one job and one job only – to maintain the sameness at all costs. By asking the question and giving yourself permission to ask it, you have one job only. And that is to remember that you are more than who you believe you are, and that what you are will take you on a new journey. Open up a new program to travel through this chamber of memory to somewhere new.

So instead of time moving through you and carrying you along with its thought and memory, you take on the awareness of what you are and you move through time instead.