Tag Archive for: #love

Harmony is a prerequisite of any journey. For without the balance of harmony there can never be a true or real interpretation of light.

Within the boundaries of thought are so many possibilities that fracture and fragment, endlessly at times, into something that is nothing like the originator of thought itself.

What is the mechanism of observation and allowing the true and real understanding of light and love for what one is to be present within their own vicinity at all times? A hard question, surely not. For within the boundary of thought comes the equality of light, and within the equality of light comes the sound of what one is. The sound of what one is, is always in balance, always in line with the thought that created it all.

And beyond the thought is the reality of what one is. It is like a cross that you see on your wall where the vertical aspect is the ascension into the higher regions of light of what you are, and the horizontal is the sound of life and creation coming into a centre point. That is the balance and harmony. All things into one central point of awareness and observation.

And while you observe, you observe because of the centre point of light that descends and ascends at every interval of the circumference of life and sound, called creation.

The movement of thought is abstract and away from its original thought. The essence of thought is centred within the light of what one is, and therefore balance and harmony is always aligned to the centre point of awareness and observation. Nothing more, nothing less. For either end of the spectrum is out of balance with the centre point.

And so light and love are the one true and real counterbalance to all things. Not counterbalance as an outer offset of measurement, but the counterbalance to all things – a centre most point of awareness. Inward awareness. Love. The light of what you are, and yet within that light are always graduations of awareness and understanding as one ascends higher and closer to what they really are beyond the matrix of revolution.

And within the sound of entry, one remits all that one is to enter within illusion. And within the exit, one returns to the flame of remembrance to take on the light of what one is once again.

And so the awareness of all is the balance and harmony that one seeks at all times within the essence of what they are. An outward thought, an outward motive, lessens the quality of sound of what one is, and the love within is surely the only true point of recall. No measurement. No life. No complexity. Just the true awareness of the centre point of what one always was, even before they came here.

I leave you with what I have most of, and that is truly love.

Bless you.

Everything we do, every decision we make, from the way we treat each other and the way we treat ourselves – everything – is based on love. The image of love is perhaps the greatest and most destructive element in the human consciousness. So much measurement. So much argument. So much rejection. And, of course, consequences for rejection.

But if we look at what love really is, the image of love does not compare. When we reject another we are rejecting ourselves. When we reject ourselves we are rejecting the reality of what love really is within us.

So to understand that every decision is based upon the perception of love, is sometimes hard to understand because we think about .. everything. How we talk to ourselves and what we want out of life. How we speak to a love one. How we treat our loved ones. How we treat ourselves. How we speak to a neighbour. What our ambitions are, and why we have them. There are many complexities within the overall simplicity of what love actually is.

Love is the ‘one of all’ within each one of us. It is the awareness and the recognition that all is not separate. That we are a part of the ‘one of all’ beyond the illusion of separation; the illusion of this reality.

For some of us love feels like something so distant, unreachable. Obtainable and forever on the horizon and never the light of the sun touching your face. But that is only the perception of love. Because, like all humans, many perceive love as something that also needs to come to us from outside. And whilst we cannot deny the beauty of love of another, If it does not also come from inside us we are at risk of being dependent upon others showing us love first to convince us we love ourselves.

If we are waiting for others to show us we’re loved then we may be waiting a long time, or we may experience love in a way that is conditional and in a way that does not value who and what we really are. That statement is not to undervalue love from the outward expression of life. Absolutely not. But love must come from within first.

You can’t be aware you come from ‘all that is’ without it coming from inside of your first. Things of beauty will always trigger love. Absolutely they will. Whether it is the love of another, or the movement of something majestic. Something so simple to take your breath away. The kindness of a stranger, or the most loving gift someone could have ever given you because they understand you. That in itself is so beautiful, and is an extension of love. But it is not the source of love. And that is the point I’m making.

Love must come from within us because all the decisions will make everyday are really a reflection of how we feel inside ourselves. Are we aware of who we are? Are we aware of the beauty inside of us? That we are not dependent upon the expression of life and others to reassurance us we are loved.

Our decisions are based upon the degree by which we love ourselves. Do we give to others too much because we are struggling to understand how beautiful we are? Do we give to others too little because we are struggling to understand how beautiful we are? Do you give to yourself more or less depending on how much you understand how beautiful you are. Because love is beauty. And in this life of fear, war, confusion, despair, hatred, unhappiness, joy, laughter, ambition, success, failure… every single aspect of human consciousness is brought down to the truth of love or the lack of love. Whether it is love or no-love is still a decision based upon love.

And so perhaps we can take a moment to reflect on how we think and how we feel. Do we know what love is, within us firstly? Beyond just the feeling we get from others, which is beautiful but only half the story.

The deeper we go within our own awareness of what we are, the deeper we travel to what love really is. And when we know what love really is then decisions about life, ourselves, our journey through life, what is illusion and what is reality and how we treat another and ourselves .. change. Because when you’re on a Journey Home, back to the origin of all things that you are, you’re on the pathway of light within you. The energy of love is all that exists.

The Journey Home is built on what love really is. Because, for too long, so many have walked the pathway of life aimless or confused. Lost. Full of images and ego. Everything they do, say, think and feel is focused on the outer life. If that is so then, in the end, one ends up right back to where they started.

How long do we need to cycle round and around? Trying to understand what love is in its multi-faceted aspects of life. This world is full of chaos. Full of examples of no-love.

And so I ask you, in this moment… reflect inwardly.

Don’t think about love.

Don’t wonder what it is.

Don’t go searching for it.

Don’t ask another for the opinion.

Simply, and totally, remember what love is within you.