Tag Archive for: #relaxation

Can you really let go of what doesn’t work in your life? Or are you so accustomed to it being a part of your life, you just wouldn’t quite know what to do if it just disappeared? Wow, I hope that’s not your answer, but for some people I’ve met, it’s unfortunately true.

What doesn’t work always wants to be your buddy. It has a way of being there, trying to convince you that this time it’s different, but it never is. Let’s face it, what doesn’t work, just doesn’t work. It never has, and it never will. When will people get that?

How much time has been wasted trying to fix a relationship that has come unstuck so many times, it now needs superglue to keep it together. Come on, if that’s you, why stay with what doesn’t work? Is it really worth it? Have you got so used to the drama that comes with the relationship, it has become the ‘norm’, rather than finding a new relationship, one that actually gives you the happiness you haven’t felt for far too long.

What about your career, is it working for you? You want to be successful in your chosen career, but no-one notices what you actually do. Sound familiar? You are just a face in the crowd, with everyone else seemingly pushing in front of you for those all­ important accolades. You don’t feel valued, yet somehow you want success to find you. You begin to live the dream of success, rather than be a participant in what it can be.

If this happens, don’t just accept your dream of success. Instead you need to want the real thing. Letting go of what doesn’t work will enable you to have that success you’ve always told yourself you wanted.

So ask yourself – what is it that doesn’t work in your life? What would you need to let go of? You could probably reel off a number of things, with some being much more important than others. But stop counting. For there is really only one answer. A very simple answer. It’s your perception of your own self-value. That is what doesn’t work. Having this perception has led to all those things you have just remembered that don’t work in your life.

In everything you want and do, you absolutely need self-value to achieve success. When you value who you are, it stirs up that passion and drive you have inside you to succeed. In a perfect world, your self-value would be a natural part of you, everything and everyone in your life would be just perfect. But we don’t live in a perfect world. We live in the world we create for ourselves, and you can’t just give up and accept second-best for yourself. You deserve better than that. You cannot allow yourself, not ever, to accept what doesn’t work in your life.

You have to create a life and a future that works. You need to change the way you see yourself. My mind travel ‘Creating the Future you want‘ program, shows you how to do that. This program was designed by myself for people who have decided they don’t want to accept what doesn’t work in their life anymore. It’s time to let go of what doesn’t work – after all, you can’t take what doesn’t work into a new future.


Blog written by Diane Swaffield. Read with love by Jason, in dedication and inspired memory of Diane.

How many times have you sat in a quiet place, perhaps next to a beautiful water feature or some other representation of the natural environment. A location that forms a symbol of serenity, peace and what is a natural state. Symbolic of what is untouched and untainted. Left it its own pattern of survival compared to the busy-ness and needs of humanity who have changed the landscape of time.

A person’s needs and desires are often so temporary, and what is natural is so often overlooked, forgotten or even interfered with so it can meet the temporary desires of too few.

Let’s think about your life. Is it a product of sameness in the fabric of time? A symbolic gesture here and there in attempting to produce a natural theme so the quiet and serenity could create a sense of well-being?

Is it possible to create such as feeling? Well – yes – but only as a temporary solution as opposed to a natural way to be.

So what is the answer? Is there one? Or are we only investing time wondering without every really knowing.

Is a natural environment only a small part of a solution? How long can someone sit next to an environment that offers all they need to experience – that inner flow of peace and relaxation?

There are so many influences that would take this inner sense of quite and one-ness away. The weather turns cold and wet. Other people suddenly appear, creating their own sounds. Daylight disappears and night takes its place. Or the most obvious .. you just get tired of being there!

There is always a time factor involved. Whoever you are – whatever your needs are – it is all governed by what happens around you, but not by what happens within you.

Outer influences are so powerful. They can change your needs in a moment. From feeling at peace, to feeling alone. From feeling safe to feeling unsure and afraid. From feeling the one-ness to feeling disconnected. We are all affected by what happens around us.

So what is the solution? Is there one? There is, and it is the ‘Gateway’ to the Inner Self.

Life is what it is. You think take on a role and you either like your role or you don’t. You don’t get to change it very often – and if you do, it won’t be without a struggle. It’s certainly not easy swapping to a different role, because everyone’s been allocated one, and it’s not looked at in a favourable light if you go changing what’s been designated to you.

The ‘Self’ – not be confused with the Inner Self – has been filled with conditioning, programming and back-up systems to help keep the need for the role to stay intact. If that fails, then friends, family or colleagues are used to shift the focus back to your original role.

Whatever you do, there is always a battle around you for supremacy over your decisions, your needs and what makes you happy.

This battle will never stop whilst you want change. It’s an inward battle to retain some sense of peace and harmony amongst the outer influences that so often besiege you – or an inner recognition of acceptance of who you are and your place in the world.

When you stop struggling against the world, and the people around you, you slip quietly back to you role, and the battle ceases.

Now for those who cannot – and will not – accept this outcome, I need to talk about the Inner Self.

Quietly and majestically, it sits deep within your mind hidden from view until it is called into action.

So what is the Inner Self?

It is the part of you that can be seen as what is natural and pure. Is it the Spirit? No. Is it the Soul? No.

What it is, is the most natural, even forgotten, part of who you are. It is beyond desires, dreams and beyond beliefs. It is not affected by outer experiences or the influence of others. Instead, it is an inner place that needs to be explored and experienced.

When you discover the Inner Self, only then can you experience the peace and one-ness that you have been looking for.


If you would like to take a further step towards creating the life you want, and the future you deserve, I have created a Program titled ‘Creating the Future you want‘, which is available under the Mind Travel section of The Journey Home website.  This program will take you on a personal journey, mind travelling forward in time to view and experience your ‘most likely future’. You will then travel back in time to heal your past, become empowered to make change, then experience a guided Mind Travel exercise to create and experience your ‘new future’.

This blog written by Diane Swaffield

Welcome to the 21st century…  where time is regarded as precious.  There’s just not enough of it to do everything you need to do.  Everything runs at such a fast pace, you find yourself prioritizing, just to keep up.

Your calendar is probably full for the month, and you’re already half-way to filling up next month’s as well.  Then there’s the clashing of invites from different friends or relatives, which leads to you spending so much time, you don’t have, on worrying which one you have to let down.

This technological age we live in has expanded our world.  It has offered us the ability to experience life in a totally different way than ever before.  It encourages us to learn, communicate and expand our understanding of the world and the people in it.  But it all takes time.

So if you can’t relax, and are wondering why, there are a couple of reasons you need to consider …

Firstly, you may have put yourself into a ‘self-expectation loop’, whereby you just can’t pull yourself away from being busy, as well as being there for everyone else.  Another way to put it would be to say “you don’t want to miss out on what’s going on”, so all of your time is directed towards what you expect from yourself, and what you believe other people want from you.

Secondly, it’s about how much energy you put into your busy life, and the stress that comes with it that prevents you from feeling relaxed.  This will also affect your sleep pattern, with many people not being able to get into a deep sleep, to rejuvenate and re-charge their body.  Instead, waking up as tired as they were the night before.  Too many people suffer from the ‘I can’t relax syndrome’ and it’s affecting their lives.  It’s no fun dragging yourself out of bed every morning, feeling absolutely exhausted, especially when that calendar is so full of what you have to do that day.

That’s when the thoughts arrive of “what I wouldn’t give to lie on a beach today, with nothing to do.  Just sit back, relax, have a drink. Feel the warm sun on me.  Mmm .. that would be so good!  I wish I didn’t have to go to work today”.   Now, what’s wrong with this picture?  Human behavior seems to have a way about it to want something when it’s not possible (when you need to meet your obligations and go to work).  But when it is possible, they don’t want it (weekend or other free time), they simply have too much to do.

If you’ve ever had those thoughts first thing in the morning, then it’s your body’s way of saying “I’ve had enough.  I want to relax.  Just stop, why don’t you! Take me where I can just switch off from this busy life”.  That’s when you need to listen, and take the next opportunity to do just that.  Don’t wait.  Do it as soon as you can.  Give all those thoughts a rest.

There are different types of relaxation.  Sport, hobbies, reading, having coffee with friends, dining out, watching TV, surfing the net.   But remember, your brain is still taking in information, sorting it out, evaluating it and storing it in the subconscious for it to be retrieved at a later time.  Whilst this is called relaxation, there’s an even better way to relax.

It’s when you give yourself the gift of time that does not involve others. This type of relaxation enables you to get back in touch with what you feel, rather than what you think.  Your brain is not overloaded with information.  Your breathing slows and, guess what?  You begin to relax.  It’s that easy.  It’s simply taking time-out for you, instead of being there for everyone else.

When you relax you also change your brain pattern away from the Beta state, which is associated with concentration and alertness.  In the Beta state neurons fire in rapid succession, helping you achieve peak performance. However, when you really begin to relax – you then enter the Alpha state, where your brain activity slows from the rapid patterns of Beta into the more gentle rhythm of Alpha.  This is when you feel truly relaxed, and your creativity and visualization is at its best.  You can then view your life with a greater sense of insight, enabling you to make decisions that were so difficult to do when you were feeling so tired and stressed.

If you would like to take a further step towards creating the life you want, and the future you deserve, I have created a Program titled ‘Creating the Future you want‘, which is available under the Mind Travel section of The Journey Home website.  This program will take you on a personal journey, mind travelling forward in time to view and experience your ‘most likely future’. You will then travel back in time to heal your past, become empowered to make change, then experience a guided Mind Travel exercise to create and experience your ‘new future’.