Q. People are constantly saying guard your Energy space against entities or evil, but I refuse to acknowledge these exist. If everything is an illusion and our thoughts are what we create, which then manifests into our reality, thus whatever the mind thinks plays on our subconscious. I have never been plagued with entities or evil. Isn’t this an illusion in people’s minds? I don’t give any attention or attachments to dark things because I don’t believe in it, so I’ve never had any entities or evil come in my space. So in other words as you see your world, you draw to you what you believe is your Truth. Why should I believe what everybody thinks, when it’s all in the mind and illusion. Universal truth or law states that the outside world is a reflection of our inner world. So whatever we fear most will be our companion be it good or bad. So why do people give things like this attention when it’s a reflection of their thoughts anyway? The ONLY thing in the whole Universe that’s real is LOVE, nothing else is real unless you give it your awareness and focus, hence the universe will bring to us what our thoughts believe. Why should people try and change my existing reality to their beliefs, when it’s their illusion anyway. My focus is LOVE and Light, so I don’t get anything else?
Jason – To answer your questions, I need to perhaps explain some fundamental aspects to the reality we call life. Yes, everything here is illusion – it is an artificial reality based on thought and memory. However, we as individuals did not create this reality. Greater beings from beyond here did. We cannot create anything that is not already created. We do not have the power. When this reality was created it was given a range of possibilities and probabilities that can be drawn from and magnetised to us by the power of our thoughts, memories, emotions and ultimately our choices and behaviour.
Our energy connects to the energy of memory and possibilities, and we will usually draw to us what we energise. The ‘create your own reality with your thought’ movement from years ago was completely based on ego and self-empowerment – a total lack of understanding that we exist in a program of illusion. We can only attract what is encoded within the possibilities and probabilities of reality, as it was designed as a closed space. No infinite possibilities. That is why even quantum scientists are so very wrong. They believe in the idea of infinity. Infinity is not infinity when it is just the same circle going around and around and around in a pre-determined path.
So, do we have choice? Yes we do. it depends on whether we draw from the old possibilities and pathway set in place by a corrupted energy system, or we identity the light within ourselves to remember the illusion of this reality and allow the greater energy within us to show us a new pathway, new possibilities, for a new outcome.
The subconscious is both a result of our own choices, and a powerful repeating pattern of whatever information and bias is put into it. This is why so many people go off their ‘best’ pathway, because there are indeed negative entities, energy systems and ‘other agendas’ that inhabit this space and seek to control people via the subconscious mind. Diane and I have over 40 years of experience in this area .. and they certainly exist and will prey on the vulnerable or foolish and egotistical idealists such as paranormal researches, energy healers, reiki masters (in fact, any ‘Master’), some mediums and many new age practitioners. However they can be easily overridden by the power of remembering what one really is.
Whether you give attention to them or not is not really the point. They do exist within illusion. However, if the power of one’s light is strong with love and awareness these entities have no access point and no means to control through fear.
Love is all that exists, and love comes from within us and not from the outer illusion.
When you say “Universal truth or law states that the outside world is a reflection of our inner world” I wonder where are you drawing that statement from? If the program or those within illusion have made those statements without being aware of what is Real beyond the illusion of time and space, then it is a rule set by illusion to protect itself from being obsolete. So much of this reality is indeed a reflection of inner and outer, that is true. However, we have to ask the question: What is the source of the reflection? Only then we can look at Universal Law.
Finally, you are right about fear. Whatever we fear most will be our companion. That is why it is important to realise there is Love which has no fear because it is all that is Real. And then there is the illusion of love and no-fear – this creates an image of love, which is really still fear of never finding love in the first place