The way Home is within you
When I was a young man I used to look up and wonder what on earth I was doing here.
I was never someone who found a purpose or a place. I always felt like someone displaced; someone who stood on the edge of a group of people, but never in the middle. In society, but not of it. The things I wondered and thought about the world – its people, the stars, life itself and what it’s all about … didn’t seem to really cross peoples’ minds for more than a moment before they went back to the things that interested them .. and bored me. That made me feel even more alone.
I started to wonder whether there was even something wrong with me. Was it just that I didn’t ‘get it’? Was it something that everyone else just seem to ‘know’ but I just couldn’t get a handle on?
Everyone seemed so content and focused on what mattered to them, or what took their attention. Everyone seemed to know what activity or job or interest mattered to them, what they were interested in, what they wanted to do. All the things that constitute what you call ‘life’.
But it was never really ever something that I could define for myself. I certainly couldn’t understand it in a way that made me feel I had some type of relationship with life, let alone a feeling of finding my place. Peace even. I never did.
When I was very young, about 9, I knew I wanted to be an aeronautical engineer before I even knew how to spell the words, or really even know what that would mean to other people. All I knew was that it was to do with craft to move amongst the skies or stars, or something like that.
I really had no idea. Just a knowing. It was as if it was a memory. I drew, I wrote, I wondered .. always these things seem to be based anywhere but here.
When I was 18 I lived with my parents in a separate living area off the main house. It was an old extension, and I had to go out the old back door and down a short, covered flight of stairs to get to my ground floor bedroom. It was a fairly large room with a lovely fireplace. It sounds impressive, but really if you could see it you’d see it wasn’t. Halfway down the stairs that day, I stopped dead. I felt something that stopped me mid-step.
The best way I can describe it to you is .. it was a ‘sound’. A vibration. it started to shake what I now know was my energy field. We all have an energy field, but I was not really aware of it then. Anyone who knows about energy fields (there are not many, I can tell you) will tell you it is our first and most sensitive response to anything that happens. I could feel the pulsation of this sound. It was so strong I had to reach out and steady myself against a brick wall, I felt so off-balance.
Suddenly, I felt an unmistakable sensation come over me. It was a knowing. A total knowing. I knew I was here for something ‘big’. Something important. Not that I was important. Not at all. I was a part of something that mattered more than .. anything! It made me feel extremely ‘aware’ .. and shaken. Moments later the sound faded, and it was all gone. I was left there on the stairs, standing in shock, wondering what on earth had happened.
From that moment onwards the feelings I’d always had became stronger. Much stronger. I needed to know even more about the purpose of it all. I felt desperate. Have we lived before? What is life? What is beyond what we can see? Beyond the skies? Why does everything in this life and world seem just so off-key, even wrong, in this place that we call planet Earth? Why do I feel like I do? Do others feel this way? What am I looking for? What do my dreams mean? Where am I? Who am I? What am I? I even got to the point where I started lying on our tin shed roof, looking up at the stars and waiting for something .. anything to happen that would give me a clue or an answer of some kind.
Looking back, I smile at my naïveté. And yet there is a very serious side to this. I hoped and unexpected answers to come to me; to match my thoughts and feelings based on my science-fiction imagination and the fascination that I have. But nothing came from the stars, at least not in those stars.
But something did come from beyond them.
A few years later, in 1993, after attending many more discussion groups, workshops and meditation sessions I continued to do my own research into dreams, past lives, energy, quantum physics, holographic theory, spiritual enlightenment… you name it. So many fascinating subjects, bit unfortunately nothing offered solid answers to what I felt. So many were standing still, thinking they were reaching the epitome of their new age philosophy. But every time they fell short with answers to basic questions. I kept searching, and eventually through a friendly couple who ran a meditation class, I stumbled upon a workshop being run by a renowned lady who, I was told, was pretty amazing. She was, and more. Many years later, I would become her husband. Her name was Diane.
Diane was a highly respected medium, powerfully accurate psychic and researcher. She was running a full day workshop called “The Brotherhood of Light”, helping people to start to remember we are not alone here, and we are all connected beyond the individual self. Diane spoke about light being is all there really is, for to be aware – to be enlightened – is to remember the energy of ‘what’ we are is a total remembering beyond our self identity. The awareness of what is Real. And so the workshop was about touching the true memory of ‘what’ we really are, beyond our perceptions of personality and self-identity.
That began a journey for me I could never have imagined. Over the years I heard and experienced things that challenged all of my preconceived ideas and sense what was real, and what was illusion. It filled my heart. These experiences made me look into the very depth of who I was as a person, and so far beyond it. I learned how to reach beyond my thoughts into my feelings. Into the innermost part of my own being. To remember ‘what’ I really am beyond who I believed myself to be.
That journey has been the most precious and revealing, rewarding, humbling and exciting journey. That’s why it’s called “The Journey Home” for anyone who chooses to take it.
As you will see from The Journey Home website, my wife Diane had already been on her journey for 15 years before I met her. That was 27 years ago. Diane and I spent nearly three beautiful decades together as we researched what reality is, and explored and experienced what is beyond it.
Diane pioneered new levels of awareness. She went beyond boundaries of belief and delved deeper to research the mind and energy beyond anyone that I know of, anywhere. Diane never stopped, and always kept asking questions. We looked into the very nature of reality of life on planet Earth.
I found answers to questions of how I feel, and why I felt that way. Where I come from, and why.
There is more going on here on planet Earth than anyone realises. The Journey Home is about not only remembering ‘what‘ we really are, remembering why we are here.
Diane was an explorer of consciousness, an investigator of energy and a warrior for truth. She never stopped, and nor will I.
If the message of The Journey Home touches something inside of you from this website and Diane’s books and meditations, through her voice or perhaps even through mine .. then something is awakening inside you. Perhaps you can discover you need to go through the centre point of your own inner mind to find where home is.
I was shown we can journey to the places we are looking for when we go inwardly. We can travel with our mind, we can move within our memories. We can journey through light-stream travel of consciousness to places our physical self could never reach. Why are we looking outwardly, when all our answers are inside us.
Home is a state of awareness, accessible through our own inner being. The answers are within the memory of ‘what’ we really are. After we let go of all imagery all that’s left is what is real.
For those who choose to take responsibility for the reason why they need to remember, then I say welcome to The Journey Home.