One of the most common things I come across when speaking to people who search for answers, is the experience of having memories that do not belong to the current personality of oneself. Often these memories are from past lives, which is a well documented area of research in itself. Memories from past lives can arise at any time, triggered from the deeper recesses of our memory bank and deeper subconscious by an event, picture, person or even a smell. Past lives are vital if we are to understand the nature of our journey through life. They help us understand the things we are experiencing, our preferences and our skills. Past lives also help us understand the nature of issues or aspirations, as well as the people we share our life with – whether we like it or not.
Past lives are only one source of memory, however. Upon deeper investigation there are many other kinds of memories that arise. Future lives, for example. Just as we have past lives, we have future lives too. Only our physical matter bodies are constrained by time. Our soul, spirit or greater energy is not bound to linear experiences at all, and so many people including myself have also had many experiences recalling memories of future lives. It is a fascinating aspect to the journey of what we call ‘life’. So much is misunderstood by convention. The energy of what we are is timeless. Our experiences are not bound by whether convention wants it to be possible or not. How ridiculous.
Then there are memories that cannot be allocated as originating from the human experience at all. Some of us have memories of places and times that cannot be aligned with life on Earth alone. Is it so hard to believe? If we take a good look at what humanity understands about reality .. it is very little really. A abundance of space, time and dimensional reality; we are not limited to a limited version of reality. And so when someone, perhaps you, genuinely has an experience that is beyond the boundaries of belief, why should the ignorance of culture, tradition or indoctrination deny you the experience? It cannot.
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