Guided Meditations
Relax, unwind, and meditate for inner awareness, insight and health and wellbeing. Take a journey within. Enjoy free guided meditations and a wonderful range of carefully crafted inner journey experiences.
Relax, unwind, and meditate for inner awareness, insight and health and wellbeing. Take a journey within. Enjoy free guided meditations and a wonderful range of carefully crafted inner journey experiences.
The Time Centre is the sister website supported by the Elonias Foundation, dedicated to health, Zone Healing, Timeless Mind Healing, wellbeing, Healthy Mind and The Journey Home Meditations, counselling and more…
A healthy life is all about obtaining and maintaining balance and harmony that comes from my state of mind that is aware, centred, calm and totally perceptive of oneself and surrounding life. Awareness is all about perception, and we can live a healthy life perception of our self is balanced.
This guided meditation series focuses on letting go of all thoughts, stress and strain it will take us away from our centre point of inner peace. How physical and mental health is entirely connected to our mindset and emotional health. Observation, clarity and being present within oneself in the moment that carries through what is life is the key to happiness. You deserve happiness, health and peace. This series compliments Zone Therapy and Timeless Mind Healing. Try a meditation today.
There is a journey we are all upon. We are light existing with in life. We are energy existing within form, and the energy of the essence of our soul, spirit or higher energy will always guide us to remember we are more than who we believe we are. When we take an inner journey we awaken a sense of purpose, perspective, abilities and allow us to experience life differently.
On the Journey Home, we can learn to live within life and not be effected by it. We can remember how to maintain our point of awareness at all times which develops in our life as health, happiness and freedom of spirit. The Journey Home meditations will open your mind, expand your energy and remind you how beautiful you are as an essence of light happening your life.
Written and guided by Diane (1hr 9mins)
We all have an energy system, and a clear and strong energy field is vital for our health and wellbeing. It directs our thinking, it effects our decisions, and contains all memory of who and what we are. To understand our energy field, is to be aware of all that we are – and all that we can be. In this guided meditation program, Diane will take you on a journey into your own energy and show you how to clear, strengthen and maintain your energy.
By being aware and in control of your own energy system, so are able to think and feel clearly, make decisions that are right for you, and protect for your mind and body.
*Audio programs, meditation audio, guided meditation, audio podcasts and any and all audio or video available from this site or its services should only be listened to only in a safe environment. Do not listen to any content available from The Journey Home, Elonias Foundation or The Time Centre websites or any other platform or device or associated service whilst driving, operating machinery or any kind, or performing or conducting any other form of activity that requires your attention.
Being relaxed is an essential part of meditation, but meditation is not just about relaxation. Meditation should be insightful. It is about letting go of your everyday consciousness and using an openness to achieve meaningful communication with your deeper self and your inner being. True meditation can be inspirational. It can give us answers. It takes us on a journey. The stillness of the outer mind allows our inner being to speak and show us amazing things and important messages.
To help with achieving a more quiet and open state of mind all Healthy Mind and The Journey Home series meditations are created with subtle binaural alpha and theta frequencies to assist your brain to achieve balance and harmony. If possible, use your headphones or earphones when listening to these guided meditations for the best results. Meditate in a comfortable chair with no distractions around you. Try not to lay down – if your body falls asleep you will miss having a wonderful experience!
Being relaxed is an essential part of meditation, but meditation is not just about relaxation. Meditation should be insightful. It is about letting go of your everyday consciousness and using an openness to achieve meaningful communication with your deeper self and your inner being. True meditation can be inspirational. It can give us answers. It takes us on a journey. The stillness of the outer mind allows our inner being to speak and show us amazing things and important messages.
The image of being ‘all at one’ with the universe, the Earth or some other concept is well-intentioned but misplaced. The central intent of meditation is to be in touch with the One of who and what you are. ‘What’ you are is already connected to the greater awareness you seek. To be in contact with a deeper, higher part of ourselves than our consciousness we have to we aware we will never get new answers from the same level of consciousness asking the question.
How can a singular mind achieve ‘oneness’ when it is already One? Ah, I hear you say – but I do not feel One, that is why I want to meditate! So much stress… So many thoughts… Come with me, for therein is the most precious journey of all. The journey of the return to our inner light of awareness to find quietness and clarity. To find purpose.
That is the purpose of true meditation – to discover what we have forgotten. It is not the other way around. Our search for enlightenment will always lead us back to where we never left, but for the illusion of it all that we did.
As we move through our lives it is so easy to only focus on thought and memory. Where were we before life? Where will we go after we are finished here? Where do we want to go? How can we live the best life possible? What if most of us have forgotten the most amazing fact of all – we are more than who we think we are.
Meditation always needs an intent. There is no point drifting off aimlessly into the aethers without activating a conscious Gateway within you. Whether we let go through stillness or detach from our thoughts with guided imagery, we must always have a clear thought. Meditation is like dreaming – there is always a meaning. Trying to reach an image of something will usually bring to us exactly what you set in motion – another image. But clarity of purpose combined with letting go is where the discovery is. That is where we remember what we are looking for.
In my experience, many people who teach meditation only teach mindfulness and physical relaxation. If your intent is to merely relax, then a relaxed meditative state will be wonderfully beneficial and should be encouraged. But what if you are also looking for meaning? You need to take a journey beyond yourself.
Most people have an image of meditation. So many ‘teachers’ and so many meaningless positions and cliches – all in an attempt to align the idea of achieving a productive meditative state to a culture, trend or ideal. None of that matters, not really. Meditation is the most natural state of all – it is just so many people have moved so far away from it.